Rental Information & Fees

Rental Contact

To schedule an event at the Central Performing Arts Center, please contact Kurt Kreiter:


Central Performing Arts Fee Schedule

Group I Group II Group III Group IV
Atrium Area $15 / hour $20 / hour $25 / hour $30 / hour
(maxiumum per-day cost)**
$25 hour
$200 / day
$30 / hour
$240 / day
$35 / hour
$280 / day
$40 / hour
$320 / day

**Rental of the auditorium at the maximum per day rate will include one daily rental and two practice sessions. In addition to the above facility rental fee, rental of the auditorium requires the use of school personnel to supervise the operation of the lights, sound, etc. at the rate of an additional $25 per hour per person.

A $100 per day deposit is required for non-school related auditorium and gymnasium rentals. Deposits will be refunded if the event is cancelled 90 days prior to the event.

Community Use of School District Facilities & Equipment

All groups may have access, upon request to the Athletic Director, for use of school facilities when these facilities are not needed for school-sponsored events.

If custodial, nutrition, or technical services are required beyond regular working hours, then the group or organization will be billed at the rate of an additional $25 per hour per person.

Group determination could vary from year to year.

A certificate of liability is required to be on file.

*Group I:
Groups recognized by the Central Community School District that offer availability/programs for all eligible students.  Groups recognized have free use of the Elementary, Intermediate, and Middle School facilities, subject to availability.  The Center for Performing Arts & Athletics Complex is available per the fee schedule.

Group II:
Groups from within the Central Community School District with selected (tried-out, auditioned, hand-picked) student participants.

Group III:
Non-School Related Clinton County Groups.

Group IV:
Non-School Related Outside-of-Clinton County groups.